Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Project Reality

By 1993 Nintendo became interested in Silicon Graphics Inc. (SGI).  Nintendo became interested because the company's work in 3d graphics. Nintendo thought another way to sell more videogames was 3d. Project Reality was created. By 1996 and 1997 the Nintendo 64 was released. 64 is due to the 64 bit CPU. Nintendo once again lead the market in videogames. But the Nintendo 64 wasn't perfect it also had problems. Nintendo had problems with it cartridges. Nintendo 64 was the last console to use cartridges.  The cartridges had space limitations, designers struggled to put lots of information into the cartridges. They had to use tricks to make good graphics and lots of information. The Nintendo 64 had one major component called the RAM. Nintendo was the first to implement an unify memory subsystem instead of having different banks for CPU, audio, and video. Nintendo 64 had 4mb of memory and with the expansion pak 8mb. But enough of this let's talk about games. Although Nintendo had a limited library of games (387) competing agains Sony which had (1100) Nintendo still won the game competition. Nintendo won due to it had the most aclaimed games. Super Mario 64, this was the top selller for Nintendo, The Legend of Zelda: ocarina of Time ( quoted by some as the greatest game ever made), and finally Goldeneye 007. Super Mario 64 became a hit because Mario evolutionized to 3d and a whole new adventured, and it was simply great. The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time was great the land of Hyrule in 3d, a new adventure with Link. This time also The Legend of Zelda went deeper into the story, bigger world, bigger bosses, greater puzzles, greater everything. Finally Goldeneye 007, some people say it is he best third person shooter ever created. Some say it established the foundation for thrid person shooters. Well Goldeneye was the first multiplayer third person shooter and it was simply great. Nintendo 64 was great but soon a new era of consoles will come... 

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